Wednesday, November 4, 2009

global proc dynJointChain ()
    //сонголтыг дараах массивт хадгална.
    string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
    //Үндсэн ба үзүүрийн холбоосын нэрсийг доорхи хувьсагчид хадгална
    string $baseJoint = $sel[0];
    string $endJoint = $sel[1];
    //Дараахь вектор массивт холбоосуудын үндсэн координатуудыг хадгална.
    vector $jointPos[];
    //доорхи хувьсагч while цикл дотор ашиглагдаж байгаа тухайн холбоосын түр нэрийг хадгална.
    string $currentJoint = $baseJoint;
    //Вектор массивын индексийг тодорхойлоход ашиглах тоолуур
    int $counter = 0;
    //хэрэглэгчийн сонголт зөв эсэхийг хянах
    if (!((`objectType -isType "joint" $baseJoint`) && (`objectType -isType "joint" $endJoint`)))
        warning "Ta ehnii esvel syyliin holboosiig buruu songoson baina.";
        //үзүүрийн холбоосийг хамгийн эхлэж сонгосон гэж үзнэ /
        select $baseJoint;
        // үзүүрийн холбоосноос эхлэн төгсгөлийн холбоос хүртэл бүх холбооснуудын хооронд алхамт шилжилт хийнэ.
                // Энэхүү цикл бүх холбоосны байрлалыг $jointPos массивт хадгална.
               while ($currentJoint != $endJoint)
            $jointPos[$counter] = `joint -q -p -a $currentJoint`;
            pickWalk -d down;
            $sel = `ls -sl`;
            $currentJoint = $sel[0];
        //Доорхи гурван мөр нь циклийн орхигдуулсан үзүүрийн холбоосын байрлалыг массивт нэмж өгнө.
        $sel = `ls -sl`;
        $currentJoint = $sel[0];
        $jointPos[$counter] = `joint -q -p -a $currentJoint`;
        // $jointPos[] массив бүх холбоосуудын ертөнцийн координатуудыг агуулж байгаа тул эдгээр цэгийг дайруулан муруйг татах хэрэгтэй.     
                //Доорхи хувьсагч муруйг үүсгэх командын эхний хэсгийг агуулна.
        string $buildCurve = "curve -d 1 ";
        //Муруйг үүсгэхэд ашиглах циклийн тоолуур
        int $cvCounter = 0;
        //Энэ цикл нь холбоосуудын координатыг  муруй үүсгэх командын араас залгана.
        while ($cvCounter <= $counter)
            $buildCurve = ($buildCurve + " -p " + $jointPos[$cvCounter]);
        //Муруйг үүсгэх командын төгсгөлийн залгаас
        $buildCurve = $buildCurve + ";";
        //$buildCurve хувьсагчын утгыг Маяагийн команд болгож дуудна. (Үүссэн муруй холбоос бүрийг дайрсан байх ёстой.)
        string $nameOfCurve = `eval ($buildCurve)`;
        //Make curve dynamic.
        select $nameOfCurve;
        makeCurvesDynamicHairs 0 0 0;
        //Determine what the name of the dynamic curve is
        string $nameOfDynCurve;
        int $sizeOfString = `size($nameOfCurve)`;
        $nameOfDynCurve = `substring $nameOfCurve 6 $sizeOfString` ;
        $sizeOfString = $nameOfDynCurve;
        $nameOfDynCurve = ("curve" + $sizeOfString);
        //Create Tip Constraint
        string $nameOfHairConstraint[];
        if (`checkBoxGrp -q -value1 tipConstraintCheckbox`)
            select -r ($nameOfDynCurve + ".cv[" + $cvCounter + "]");
            createHairConstraint 0;
            string $selection[] = `pickWalk -d up`;
            $nameOfHairConstraint[0] = $selection[0];
            $nameOfHairConstraint[0] = `rename $nameOfHairConstraint[0] ($baseJoint + "TipConstraint")`;
        //Make Joint Chain Stretchy
        string $curveInfoNode;
        string $nameOfUtilityNode;
        if (`checkBoxGrp -q -value1 stretchCheckbox`)
            //Create curve info node
            $curveInfoNode = `arclen -ch 1 $nameOfDynCurve`;
            $curveInfoNode = `rename $curveInfoNode ($baseJoint + "CurveInfoNode")`;
            //Create mult/div node
            $nameOfUtilityNode = `shadingNode -asUtility multiplyDivide`;
            $nameOfUtilityNode = `rename $nameOfUtilityNode ($baseJoint + "MultiDivNode")`;
            //Create condition node
            $nameOfConditionNode = `shadingNode -asUtility condition`;
            $nameOfConditionNode = `rename $nameOfConditionNode ($baseJoint + "ConditionNode")`;
            //Setup multi/div node
            setAttr ($nameOfUtilityNode + ".operation") 2;
            connectAttr -force ($curveInfoNode + ".arcLength") ($nameOfUtilityNode + ".input1X");
            setAttr ($nameOfUtilityNode + ".input2X") (`getAttr ($curveInfoNode + ".arcLength")`);
            //Setup condition node
            connectAttr -force ($nameOfUtilityNode + ".outputX") ($nameOfConditionNode + ".firstTerm");
            connectAttr -force ($nameOfUtilityNode + ".outputX") ($nameOfConditionNode + ".colorIfFalseR");
            setAttr ($nameOfConditionNode + ".operation") 4;
            setAttr ($nameOfConditionNode + ".secondTerm") 1.0;
            setAttr ($nameOfConditionNode + ".colorIfTrueR") 1.0;
            //Initial selection going into the while loop
            select $baseJoint;
            $currentJoint = $baseJoint;
            //Will loop through all the joints between the base and end by pickwalking through them.
            //The loop connects the scaleX of each joint to the output of the multi/div node.
            while ($currentJoint != $endJoint)
                connectAttr -f ($nameOfConditionNode + ".outColorR") ($currentJoint + ".scaleX");
                pickWalk -d down;
                $sel = `ls -sl`;
                $currentJoint = $sel[0];
        //Display Current Position of Hair
        select $nameOfDynCurve;
        displayHairCurves "current" 1;
        //Determine name of follicle node
        select $nameOfCurve;
        string $nameOfFollicle[] = `pickWalk -d up`;
        //Create Joint Chain Controller Object
        string $jointCtrlObjArray[];
        $jointCtrlObjArray[0] = `createNode implicitSphere`;
        $jointCtrlObjArray = `pickWalk -d up`;
        string $jointCtrlObj = $jointCtrlObjArray[0];
        //Point Constrain Control Object to the end joint
        pointConstraint $endJoint $jointCtrlObj;
        //Add attributes to controller for the dynamics
        addAttr -ln stiffness -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0.001 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln lengthFlex -at double  -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0 -keyable true $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln damping -at double -min 0 -max 100 -dv 0 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln "drag" -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv .05 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln friction -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0.5 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln "gravity" -at double -min 0 -max 10 -dv 1 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln "controllerSize" -at double -min 0 -max 100 -dv 0.5 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln "turbulenceCtrl" -at bool -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -lock on ($jointCtrlObj + ".turbulenceCtrl");
        addAttr -ln "strength" -at double -min 0 -max 1 -dv 0 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln "frequency" -at double -min 0 -max 2 -dv 0.2 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln "speed" -at double -min 0 -max 2 -dv 0.2 -keyable true  $jointCtrlObj;
        //Determine what the name of the hair system is
        string $nameOfHairSystem;
        int $sizeOfString = `size($nameOfFollicle[0])`;
        $nameOfHairSystem = `substring $nameOfFollicle[0] 9 $sizeOfString` ;
        $sizeOfString = $nameOfHairSystem;
        $nameOfHairSystem = ("hairSystemShape" + $sizeOfString);
        //Add special attribute to house name of hairSystem
        addAttr -ln nameOfHairShapeNode -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".nameOfHairShapeNode") ($nameOfHairSystem);
        //Add special attribute to house name of follicle
        addAttr -ln nameOfFollicleNode -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".nameOfFollicleNode") ($nameOfFollicle[0]);
        //Add special attribute to house name of dynamic curve
        addAttr -ln nameOfDynCurve -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".nameOfDynCurve") ($nameOfDynCurve);
        //Add special attribute to house name of tip constraint
        addAttr -ln nameOfTipConstraint -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".nameOfTipConstraint") ($nameOfHairConstraint[0]);
        //Add special attribute to house name of multi/div node
        addAttr -ln nameOfMultiDivNode -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".nameOfMultiDivNode") ($nameOfUtilityNode);
        //Add special attribute to base and end joint names
        addAttr -ln baseJoint -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        addAttr -ln endJoint -dt "string" -keyable false $jointCtrlObj;
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".baseJoint") ($baseJoint);
        setAttr -type "string" -lock true ($jointCtrlObj + ".endJoint") ($endJoint);
        //Add special attribute to house baking state
        addAttr -ln bakingState -at bool $jointCtrlObj;
        //Add special attribute to house stretchy state
        addAttr -ln isStretchy -at bool $jointCtrlObj;
        if (`checkBoxGrp -q -value1 stretchCheckbox`)
        setAttr ($jointCtrlObj + ".isStretchy") 1;
        //Overide the Hair dynamics so that the follicle controls the curve dynamics
        select $nameOfFollicle;
        $nameOfFollicle = `pickWalk -d down`;
        setAttr ($nameOfFollicle[0] + ".overrideDynamics") 1;
        //Set the dynamic chain to hang from the base joint (not both ends)
        setAttr ($nameOfFollicle[0] + ".pointLock") 1;
        //Connect attributes on the controller sphere to the follicle node
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".stiffness") ($nameOfFollicle[0] + ".stiffness");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".lengthFlex") ($nameOfFollicle[0] + ".lengthFlex");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".damping") ($nameOfFollicle[0] + ".damp");
        //Connect attribute on the controller sphere to the hair system node
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".drag") ($nameOfHairSystem + ".drag");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".friction") ($nameOfHairSystem + ".friction");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".gravity") ($nameOfHairSystem + ".gravity");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".strength") ($nameOfHairSystem + ".turbulenceStrength");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".frequency") ($nameOfHairSystem + ".turbulenceFrequency");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".speed") ($nameOfHairSystem + ".turbulenceSpeed");
        //Connect scale of controller to the size attr
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".controllerSize") ($jointCtrlObj +".scaleX");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".controllerSize") ($jointCtrlObj +".scaleY");
        connectAttr -f ($jointCtrlObj +".controllerSize") ($jointCtrlObj +".scaleZ");
        //Lock And Hide Attributes on Control Object.
        setAttr -lock true -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".tx");
        setAttr -lock true -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".ty");
        setAttr -lock true -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".tz");
        setAttr -lock true -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".rx");
        setAttr -lock true -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".ry");
        setAttr -lock true -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".rz");
        setAttr -lock false -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".sx");
        setAttr -lock false -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".sy");
        setAttr -lock false -keyable false ($jointCtrlObj + ".sz");
        //Build the splineIK handle using the dynamic curve.
        select $baseJoint $endJoint $nameOfDynCurve;
        string $nameOfIKHandle[] = `ikHandle -sol ikSplineSolver -ccv false` ;
        $nameOfIKHandle[0] = `rename $nameOfIKHandle[0] ($baseJoint + "ikHandle")`;
        //Rename Ctrl Obj
        $jointCtrlObj = `rename $jointCtrlObj ($baseJoint + "DynChainControl")`;
        //Parent follicle node to the parent of the base joint
        //This will attach the joint chain to the rest of the heirarchy if there is one.
        select $nameOfFollicle[0];
        pickWalk -d up;
        string $follicleGrpNode[] = `pickWalk -d up`;
        //Determine parent of base joint
        select $baseJoint;
        string $parentOfBaseJoint[] = `pickWalk -d up`;
        if ($parentOfBaseJoint[0] == $baseJoint)
            warning "No parent hierarchy was found for the dynamic chain.\n";
            //Parent the follicle into heirarchy
            parent $follicleGrpNode $parentOfBaseJoint;
            parent -w $nameOfDynCurve;
        //Set dynamic chain attributes according to creation options
        float $sliderStiffness = `floatSliderGrp -query -value sliderStiffness`;
        float $sliderDamping = `floatSliderGrp -query -value sliderDamping`;
        float $sliderDrag = `floatSliderGrp -query -value sliderDrag`;
        setAttr ($baseJoint + "DynChainControl.stiffness") $sliderStiffness;
        setAttr ($baseJoint + "DynChainControl.damping") $sliderDamping;
        setAttr ($baseJoint + "DynChainControl.drag") $sliderDrag;
        //Group the dynamic chain nodes
        string $nameOfGroup = `group -name ($baseJoint + "DynChainGroup") $jointCtrlObj $nameOfDynCurve $nameOfIKHandle[0] $nameOfHairSystem`;
        //If the chain has a tip constraint, then parent this under the main group to keep things tidy.
        if (`checkBoxGrp -q -value1 tipConstraintCheckbox`)
            parent $nameOfHairConstraint[0] $nameOfGroup;
        //Turn the visibility of everything off to reduce viewport clutter.
        setAttr ($nameOfDynCurve + ".visibility") 0;
        setAttr ($nameOfIKHandle[0] + ".visibility") 0;
        setAttr ($nameOfDynCurve + ".visibility") 0;
        setAttr ($follicleGrpNode[0] + ".visibility") 0;
        setAttr ($nameOfHairSystem + ".visibility") 0;
        //Delete useless 'hairsystemoutputcurves' group node
        select $nameOfHairSystem;
        string $nameOfGarbageGrp[] = `pickWalk -d up`;
        delete ($nameOfGarbageGrp[0] + "OutputCurves");
        //Select dynamic chain controller for user
        select ($baseJoint + "DynChainControl");
        //Print feedback for user
        print "Dynamic joint chain successfully setup!\n";

//                                Collisions Procedure

global proc collideWithChain ()
    string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
    string $controllers[];
    string $colliders[];
    //Progress Window Amount
    int $amount;
    int $numberOfObjects = size($sel);
    int $i = 0;
        -title "CGToolkit's Dyn Chain Collisions:"
        -progress $amount
        -status "Preparing: 0%"
        -minValue 0
        -maxValue 100
        -isInterruptable true;
    //Loop through the whole selection and split up
    //into $controllers or $colliders
    for ($obj in $sel)
         // Check if the dialog has been cancelled
        if ( `progressWindow -query -isCancelled` ) break;
        // Check if end condition has been reached
        if ( `progressWindow -query -progress` >= 100 ) break;
        $amount = ((100/$numberOfObjects) * $i);
        progressWindow -edit -progress $amount;
        //Find the current index in controllers array
        int $pos = size($controllers);
        //If obj is a controller
        if (`attributeExists "nameOfHairShapeNode" $obj`)
            $controllers[$pos] = $obj; //Add to controller list
            //Get the shape node of obj
            string $shapeNode[] = `listRelatives -s -path $obj`;
            //Find current index in collider array
            $pos = size($colliders);
            //Check if shape node is a mesh, or a nurbs surface
            if ((`objectType -isType "mesh" $shapeNode[0]`) || (`objectType -isType "nurbsSurface" $shapeNode[0]`))
                $colliders[$pos] = $obj;
    progressWindow -edit
        -status "Connecting Colliders: 0%";
    $numberOfObjects = size($controllers);
    $i = 0;
    //For every controller that was selected...
    for ($chainCtrl in $controllers)
         // Check if the dialog has been cancelled
        if ( `progressWindow -query -isCancelled` ) break;
        // Check if end condition has been reached
        if ( `progressWindow -query -progress` >= 100 ) break;
        $amount = ((100/$numberOfObjects) * $i);
        progressWindow -edit -progress $amount;
        //Get the name of the hair shape node
        string $hairShape = `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfHairShapeNode")`;
        //For every NURBS or polygon surface that was selected...
        for ($collider in $colliders)
            //Create geoConnector node and store it's name into a variable
            string $nameofGeoConnector = `createNode geoConnector`;
            //Get the shape node of collider
            string $objShape[] = `listRelatives -s -path $collider`;
            //Connect all the necessary attributes to make the surface collide
            connectAttr ($objShape[0] +".message") ($nameofGeoConnector + ".owner");
            connectAttr ($objShape[0] +".worldMatrix[0]") ($nameofGeoConnector + ".worldMatrix");
            connectAttr ($objShape[0] +".outMesh") ($nameofGeoConnector + ".localGeometry");
            connectAttr -na ($nameofGeoConnector + ".resilience") ($hairShape + ".collisionResilience");
            connectAttr -na ($nameofGeoConnector + ".friction") ($hairShape + ".collisionFriction");
            connectAttr -na ($nameofGeoConnector + ".sweptGeometry") ($hairShape + ".collisionGeometry");
            connectAttr time1.outTime ($nameofGeoConnector + ".currentTime");
            //Print output to the user for each connected collider.
            print ($obj + " has been set to collide with " + $chainCtrl + "\n");
    progressWindow -endProgress;

//                                BAKING PROCEDURE

global proc bakeDynChain ()
    //Declare necessary variables
    string $initialSel[] = `ls -sl`;
    string $allCtrls[];
    int $i;
    int $amount;
    //Filter selection to contain only dynamic chain controllers.
    for ($obj in $initialSel)
        if (`attributeExists "nameOfHairShapeNode" $obj`)
            $allCtrls[$i] = $obj;
    //Create a progress window
        -title "CGToolkit's Dynamic Joint Chain:"
        -progress $amount
        -status "Baking Joint Chains:"
        -minValue 0
        -maxValue 100
        -isInterruptable true;
    //Construct frame range variable
    string $frameRangeToBake;
    float $startFrame = `intField -query -value startFrame`;
    float $endFrame = `intField -query -value endFrame`;
    $frameRangeToBake = ("\"" + $startFrame + ":" + $endFrame + "\"");
    int $j = 1;
    //For all of the selected chain controllers.
    for ($obj in $allCtrls)
        // Check if the dialog has been cancelled
        if ( `progressWindow -query -isCancelled` ) break;
        // Check if end condition has been reached
        if ( `progressWindow -query -progress` >= 100 ) break;
        $amount = ((100/$i) * $j);
        progressWindow -edit -progress $amount;
        progressWindow -edit -status ("Baking chain " + $j + " of " + $i + " :");
        string $chainCtrl = $obj;
        string $baseJoint = `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".baseJoint")`;
        string $endJoint = `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".endJoint")`;
        string $bakingJoints = "{\"" ;
        string $currentJoint[];
        $currentJoint[0] = $endJoint;
        //Determine joints to be baked
        while ($currentJoint[0] != $baseJoint)
            $bakingJoints = ($bakingJoints +$currentJoint[0] + "\", \"");
            select $currentJoint[0];
            $currentJoint = `pickWalk -d up`;
        //Add the base joint that the while loop will miss
        $bakingJoints = ($bakingJoints + $baseJoint + "\"}");
        //Concatenate the bake simulation command with the necessary joint names.
        $bakingJoints = ("bakeResults -simulation true -t " + $frameRangeToBake + " -sampleBy 1 -disableImplicitControl true -preserveOutsideKeys true -sparseAnimCurveBake false -controlPoints false -shape true" + $bakingJoints);
        //Evaluate the $bakingJoints string to bake the simulation.
        eval $bakingJoints;
        //Tell control object that joints are baked.
        setAttr ($chainCtrl + ".bakingState") 1;
        //Print feedback to user
        print ("All joints controlled by " + $chainCtrl + " have now been baked!\n");
    progressWindow -endProgress;

//                                DELETE DYNAMICS PROCEDURE

global proc deleteDynChain ()
    //Declare necessary variables
    string $initialSel[] = `ls -sl`;
    string $chainCtrl = $initialSel[0];
    int $error = 0;
    //Check that controller is selected.
    if (!`attributeExists "bakingState" $chainCtrl`)
        $error = 1;
        warning "Please select a chain controller. No dynamics were deleted.";
        //Check if joints have been baked.
        if(((`getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".bakingState")`) == 0) && ((`getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".isStretchy")`) == 1))
            string $result = `confirmDialog
                                -title "Delete Dynamics Warning"
                                -message "Deleting the dynamics on a stretchy chain may cause it to collapse. Please bake the joint chain before deleting."
                                 -button "Continue Anyway" -button "Cancel"
                                -defaultButton "Cancel"
                                 -cancelButton "Cancel" -dismissString "Cancel"`;
            if ($result == "Cancel")
                $error = 1;
                warning ("Dynamics were not deleted for " + $chainCtrl);
    if ($error == 0)
        //Delete Hair System Node
        string $hairSystemName[];
        $hairSystemName[0] = `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfHairShapeNode")`;
        select $hairSystemName[0];
        $hairSystemName = `pickWalk -d up`;
        delete $hairSystemName;
        //Delete Follicle Node
        string $follicleNode[];
        $follicleNode[0] = `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfFollicleNode")`;
        select $follicleNode[0];
        $follicleNode = `pickWalk -d up`;
        delete $follicleNode;
        //Delete Dynamic Hair Curve
        delete `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfDynCurve")`;
        //Delete Tip Constraint
        if ((getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfTipConstraint")) != "")
        delete `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfTipConstraint")`;
        //Delete Multi/Div Node
        if ((getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfMultiDivNode")) != "")
        delete `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".nameOfMultiDivNode")`;
        //Delete IK Handle
        string $baseJoint = `getAttr ($chainCtrl + ".baseJoint")`;
        delete ($baseJoint + "ikHandle");
        //Delete control object
        delete $chainCtrl;
        //Print feedback to the user.
        print "Dynamics have been deleted from the chain.\n";

//                                MAIN WINDOW

global proc cgTkDynChain ()
    if (`window -q -ex dynChainWindow`) deleteUI dynChainWindow;
    //Main Window
    window -title "Dynamic hodolgoont ginjin yas" -w 360 -h 200 dynChainWindow;
    scrollLayout -hst 0;
    columnLayout dynChainColumn;
    //Dynamic Chain Creation Options Layout
    frameLayout -w 320 -h 130
                -borderStyle etchedOut
                -collapsable true
                -label "Dynamic Chain Creation Options:"
    frameLayout -e -cl true creationOptions;
    columnLayout -cw 300;
        floatSliderGrp -label "Stiffness:"
            -cw3 60 60 60 -cal 1 left
            -cal 2 left -cal 3 left
            -field true
            -precision 3
            -min 0 -max 1 -value 0.001
        floatSliderGrp -label "Damping:"
            -cw3 60 60 60 -cal 1 left
            -cal 2 left -cal 3 left
            -field true
            -precision 3
            -min 0 -max 100 -value 0.05
            floatSliderGrp -label "Drag:"
            -cw3 60 60 60 -cal 1 left
            -cal 2 left -cal 3 left
            -field true
            -precision 3
            -min 0 -max 1 -value 0.0
        //Tip Constraint Checkbox
        separator -h 20  -w 330;
        checkBoxGrp -label "Create Tip Constraint : " -cw 1 150 tipConstraintCheckbox;
        checkBoxGrp -label "Allow Joint Chain to Stretch: " -cw 1 150 stretchCheckbox;
        //separator -h 20  -w 330;
    //Button Layouts
    rowColumnLayout -nc 2 -cw 1 175 -cw 2 150;
    text "Select base joint, shift select tip: ";
    button -label "Make Dynamic" -c "dynJointChain";
    text "Select control, shift select collider(s): ";
    button -label "Make Collide" -c "collideWithChain";
    text "Select control: ";
    button -label "Delete Dynamics" -c "deleteDynChain";
    //Bake Animation Layouts
    separator -w 330 -h 20;
    text "                               -Bake Joint Animation-";
    rowColumnLayout -nc 3 -cw 1 100 -cw 2 100 bakeRowColumn;
    text "Start Frame: ";
    text "End Frame:";
    text "Select Control:";
    intField startFrame;
    intField -value 400 endFrame;
    button -label "Bake Dynamics" -c "bakeDynChain";
    //Show Main Window Command
    showWindow dynChainWindow;

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